Our basic activities bring the desired results. Here are some examples of our successes.



AlSiTech – first spin-off with INTECH PK participation (technology contribution) which was established after a close collaboration with technology creators (CUT scientists). It offers the developed by Cracow University of Technology scientists innovative technology of geopolymers applications for construction industry. Geopolymers make it possible to create building materials that have better physical and chemical parameters than typical concrete ones.
Lear more about company at its official website.

FlexAndRobust Systems

Spin-off co-created with technology authors, which offers polymer flexible joints designed to repair and preserve building constructions. They can be also successfully used for preventing deformation of constructions that are exposed to communication, mining, seismic damages or are threatened with landslide. 

Mechatronicly powered recicoprocating orthosis

Commercialization with trade partner, based on the license agreement of invention which is used for effective rehabilitation of people with paraplegia. The crucial advantage that this solution provides is the opportunity to reduce costs of manufacture of such orthoses. 



Authorial workshops for entrepreneurs and scientists, based on Design Thinking and Business Model Canvas methodologies, aimed at design of new products and services as well as transforming science and business ideas into market applications.


Day of Inventions

The national event promoting technological and social innovations that we have organized as our way for promoting Malopolska as the region that is remarkably friendly for entrepreneurs and scientists. It was also thought as a space for meetings between scientists, entrepreneurs and investors. Its agenda included exhibition and shows of the most interesting inventions, panel discussions, caseLAB workshops as well as networking between scientists, entrepreneurs and investors. The event was made prestigious also due to numerous patronages such as Rector of the Cracow University of Technology, Ministry of Science and Higher Education as well as Ministry of Development. Event was widely covered in local media.


We were the partner of international event recognized as Polish-American Bridge of Innovation, during which good practices from new technologies area have been exchanged and adapted to Polish innovation ecosystem. One of our task was to introduce trusted and widely acknowledged adviser, strategist and business consultant, John Spence to university society.

Design Thinking Week

We were the partner of national event promoting and implementing tools for project thinking and interdisciplinary teams. We organized caseLab workshops.